Photo Credits ©British Polo Day British Polo Day Sumba Island took place from November 3rd to 10th at Nihiwatu, Sumba Island! On the 7th was played the polo games between a few teams coming from the last British Polo Day in
Photo Credits ©Singapore Polo Club The Singapore Polo Club received on Novembre 3rd the Melbourne Cup for a Show-Jumping and an amazing Polo Exhibition Match! Congratulations to the Australia team who won that game! Photo
The Ride to Survive is a unique polo match, bringing together surfing and the sport of polo by placing elite ocean athletes on the field, to benefit Hawaii Children’s Cancer Foundation. This famous Charity Game took place on
Photo Credits ©Nacho Corbalan La Dolfina team wins the Abierto de Hurlingham final 15 – 14 against the Ellerstina team on November 14th during an intense Polo game! RESULTS 31/10 La Dolfina VS. La Aguada: 16 – 10 01/11
Photo Credits ©Alex Pacheco Congratulations to the FlexJet team who won the final of the Pedro Morrison Memorial Cup on November 1st during a intense polo game against the Travesio team at the Grand Champions Polo Club! RESULTS
Photo Credits ©Ghantoot Polo Club The great Red Crescent Charity Polo Match took place on Friday October 30t at the Ghantoot Racing & Polo Club in Abu Dhabi! The Ghantoot Polo team won the final of the second biggest
Photo Credits ©La Aguada Polo Club The Aguada Polo Club welcomed on October 30th, the Novillitos Cup, tournament organized especially for children and teenagers, composeed of 17 teams with ages from 8 to 14 years! The kids
Photo Credits ©Keoma Zec The British Polo Day Singapore took place on Saturday October 31st at the Singapore Polo Club! Over 30 leading global brands and some 500 guests and VIPs came together to celebrate the best of British
Photo Credits ©RCPB The 27th edition of the Trofeo Internacional de Polo Ciutat de Barcelona took place at the Real Club de Polo de Barcelona during two week-ends! The first games were played from October 23rd to 25th and the
Photo Credits ©Nacho Olano Congratulations to the Sotovilla-Hotel Adagio-Ridecrins team who won the 7th edition of the Tournament Club de Polo Ampurdan, Memorial Wolfgang Reber final 7 -3,5 against the Geneva Polo Club team! 6