Position: On Top / 752 x 70 px
Price per month: 200 EUR
Standard box (4 Maximum)
Position: Side / 340 x 240 px
Price per month: 80 EUR

Additional: Your company will be present on our social networks once a month.Information of your company (with link) will be included in our newsletter.
Divider (Newsletter and Website)
Position: anywhere / 590 x 90 px
Price per month: 150 EUR

Additional: Your company will be present on our social networks once a month.Information of your company (with link) will be included in our newsletter.
Advertorial (Newsletter – Website – Social Networks)
Price per month: Upon request. From 250 EUR…
An advertorial is an advertisement in the form of editorial content.
TOTAL REACH : 10.6k users – Social grade: ABC 1
Full Pack: 400 EUR All above included.
Spirit of Polo Press* a worlwide group spreading world polo information, tournaments results, photos and videos. aims to connect Polo Players & Polo Clubs from all over the world. Over 12 years, our followers have shown a consistent interest in the information and services we provide.
We cover the polo news in: South America, North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Oceania and Asia.
*Spirit of Polo Press is part of Spirit of Polo Company.
WEBSITE: has been one of the first international polo information digital magazine and today is one of the leaders in this sport. We are proud to be part of the most respected and factual in terms of content.
The newsletter is an excellent means of communication and to that end uses to keep updated our community of followers. Its frequency is monthly or according to information and is aimed at polo players of all levels, clubs and polo lovers.
It is our information service with local and international polo news over the world. Our information is based on clubs, associations, as well as coverage and agendas of events from around the world. We also cover some events on demand or through correspondents.
Reference: March, 2015
Website: 2k Unique Users
Newsletter: 2k suscriptores
Instagram: 0.5k followers
Facebook (3 pages): 5k followers
Twitter: 1.6k followers/ average number of Retweets 32%
4,7 K impressions
Increasing rapidly
Social grade: ABC 1
Genders in Detail

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