Friendly and Family Polo Week @Buenos Aires

Published on: March 2, 2015

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Poloconsult presents you the opportunity to enjoy a great Polo week, with friends or family, specially selectionned for you by Alexis!
You will enjoy Polo practical and theoretical trainings every morning and play matches every afternoon. The didactic coach adapts his advices to your level and offers you personalized classes. Every night after a playing day, the coach gives explanations and tips through videos of the practices.
Being totally immersed in a warm latin environment, you will enjoy asados, Argentine Malbecs and excellent and healthy local food, horse rides in the surrounding, swimming pool and relaxing moments as football games…

Isabelle enjoyed a Polo Week and gave us her impressions :
“Polo experience beyond all my expectations !! A magic place, complete immersion, incredible hosts ….”

For more information, contact us here!
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