Horse diet, the first factor affecting its performance!

Published on: December 8, 2014

Filled Under: Horse Care, For Players, CONSULT

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As for men, the feeding of horses influence their whole balance.
 The first ache of abandoned horses is related to their feeding.
The horse is a valuable and fragile animal. The importance given to its health issue is therefore increased, both regarding care treatments and food.
Your horse diet depends on its age, genetic, breed, and activity level. Its nutritional needs may vary considerably: the National Research Council recommends to rise it from 50 to 100%, according to their level of activity!
 The “hardiness” of a race is traditionally invoked to describe this phenomenon.
To ensure its healthiness, it is essential that the diet provided to your horse fills all its basic needs in terms of energy, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
 Any gain or loss would directly affect its performance : a horse too thin will have less endurance and an overweight horse would suffer hot flashes.
The intensity level of training, as well as the discipline practised, also influence the diet. The climate, environment and field play an additional role. Its digestible energy is calculated from its basic needs (eating, sleeping, moving), and its additional energy from its physical activity.
Your horse should receive every day at least 1% of its body weight in hay, and between 2 and 3% of its weight in total, with any type of food.
Do not hesitate to ask your veterinarian about the exact ratios adapted to the type of your horse, and its specific nutritional needs.
Equidiet, or Purina Royal Oats are brands we recommend : they are good for your horse!

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