Dentro de la numerosa delegación argentina, hay una historia de superación que merece ser contada. Es la de un atleta que hace tres años estaba en coma y peleó por su vida, y no solo que se repuso, sino que además se
January 25, 2019 •
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La bandera argentina se lució en la “Sh. Mohd. Bin Rashid Endurance Cup for Ladies Cen 119kms”, en Dubai!! En una arremetida final para el infarto, el binomio puramente argentino, Martina Spelanzón y Cardenal R, criado por
As for men, the feeding of horses influence their whole balance.
The first ache of abandoned horses is related to their feeding. The horse is a valuable and fragile animal. The importance given to its health issue is therefore
Horses can easily suffer from muscle sores or cramps after an intensive game or training. How to deal with those problems after exertion? Here’s the answer. After exertion, it is important to give water with minerals that will
in Buenos Aires/ Every year in April. The biggest horse presentation in Latin America. 30000 m2 , 200 stands, 800 horses et 104 000 visitors. Races: Polo Argentino, Arab, Quarter mile, Fomento Argentino, Criollo, Percheron.
Polo ponies run the equivalent of one to two miles during a chukker, so they must rest frequently. It’s rare for a pony to play three chukkers in the same game.
Just after elefants, horses are the living beings with the greatest memory! They have an incredible ability of memorizing their physical world and situation. This have to be taken into consideration during their education:
Horses are terrestrial animals with the biggest eyes! Their horizontal pupils give them a panoramic view of 325 ° (monocular and binoculare), but with blind points located at the forehead, the neck and the back of their head.
Discover here the Doma India Poloconsutl’s gallery during the 2013 Remate de Domadores : Doma india is a gentle technique of training from the Argentine Pampa Indian inheritage, where the relationship between a man and his
A mane uncuted and a tail unwrapped is a real danger because they can catch themselves to the mallet or to the reins while the rider is trying to control the horse. Therefore, the mane is shaved and the tail is wrapped to prevent