B. Grimm Thai Polo Open 2015

Published on: January 26, 2015

Filled Under: NEWS, Tournaments

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The Final Thai Polo Open tournament took place in the Thai Polo & Equestrian Club, the 17th of January.
The Polo Thai team composed by Harald Link, Caroline Link, Oedro Fernandez and Agustin Garcia Grossi, was the winner of the tournament against the Fast Fich Team composed by Windson Rao, Tommy Martinez, Damian Marco and Pablo Jauretche, 8-5 goals.


Thai Polo (+12)

Harald Link (0)
Caroline Link (0)
Pedro Fernandez Llorente (+5)
Agustin Garcia Grossi (+7)

Fast Fish (+12)

Windson Rao (0)
Tommy Martinez (+3)
Damian Marco (+2)
Pablo Jauretche (+7)

The 300 (+12)

Dato Mohamed Moiz (+1)
H.H. Prince Ameer (+2)
Shaik Reismann (+3)
Gines Bargallo (+6)

BMW (+10)

Claude Haberer / Edward Batchelor (0)
Pierre Jauretche (+3)
Adrien Le Gallo (+3)
Nicolas Pieroni (+4)

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